

I love my room, but even I am beginning to notice how cluttered it has become, especially with the holiday season's many crafts looming about. I am only starting to realize clutter doesn't always equal creativity and even I, a mere Pisces, can be a bit more maintained in my habitat. I have concluded that I MUST take this issue into control the next couple of weeks, and I thought it might help me to pinpoint some areas.

I think I'll start small, with my hats and scarves...

It looks all fun and games until retrieving one sliver of a silver belt becomes an avalanche of scarves slithering to the floor.... Imagine a game of Jenga, except it's 6:15 am and all you want is to have a belt to wrap around your dress.

...and yes, the denim hat is a relic from my Girl scouting days.

I think I have mistaken my room as a keepsake box that is shoved haphazardly under the bed.

*Update: While sorting my scarves, hats, belts, and purses (that I should probably use more often now that I think of it), I pretty much began three new craft projects. Oops? I did complete the task at hand, although the outcome kind of freaked me out. I don't do well with the initial look of organization. I have to let it gradually develop more organically... Until it's an overgrown garden of acessories. Double oops. Oh well. I try.


Nicole said...

You are so ME when it comes to stuff like this!!! I feel like I'm reading about myself. I go to start a project and end up starting a million more in the process.

mom said...

KK,,,,that arrangement reminds us of BLOSSOMS! But that CLOCK brings back memories...a wonderful memory of the past....xo g'ma

Kaylie said...

Nicole--I bet! Cleaning is a manic event for me...

Gramma--Thanks! I know, I adore that clock so much. Love you!