
today i am thankful for... dogs

This morning I had to leave early to print out an assignment before class, and I was rewarded for being so responsible--right when I left my dorm, I saw two ladies walking towards me with their dogs.  One dog was small and white.  I thought, IZZY DOG???  And it WAS!  His name was Gidget.  I told them I had a dog just like him at home (but so much cuter, let's get real) and asked if I could pet him.  They said of course and I pretty much tried to smother him with my love, but he backed away and tentatively let me pet him.  I was so excited that I whipped out my phone to show the ladies the picture of Izzy on my lock screen.  I told them this made my day, said bye, and walked to the library with only a little bit of teary eyes.