I digress. Halloween 2015 was a good sweet spot in terms of fun. The night before, I made cupcakes and shared them with some friends at a game night. I spent most of my Halloween at work in my bat skirt and black & orange jewelry (thanks Grandma!). Halloween music filled the air, which I was pleased about. It rained BUCKETS. Seriously. Flooding was a thing. I ate a lot of candy, too.
When I got home, I started the Sadness-ing process. I put on my big pale blue cashmere turtleneck (um, yes, I used this as an opportunity to buy something nice from work to wear again in the future!) and blue pants. I put on my blue wig. I put on my awesome new blue lipstick (the last time I bought lipstick was last Halloween for my Lorde costume!). When Ted got home, he put the finishing touches on his Bing Bong costume. I helped him with the getup, and it turned out quite cute. He even bought himself fun rainbow socks for the occasion. It was adorable.
And then our crazy night began! We ushered at a choral concert. I worked the comp tickets table. Why yes, we do know how to party hard! Thanks for asking. But really, it was great--the music was a bit spooky, and afterwards we got drinks with a couple of friends at a pub in our neighborhood called North 45. Somehow the waitress brought us everything except for the two things I ordered, but otherwise it was a lovely time, with lots of entertainment (aka drunk, dressed up adults acting like children). Oh Halloween... We ended our night with the first season finale of Twin Peaks. I'd say it was a good Halloween.