
I might be crazy

but I LOVE Valentines Day.  I know that people who aren't in a relationship are supposed to take the holiday as a slap in the face, but I can't help but embrace it.  I even have this weird tradition of buying a book each hearts day.  I mean, a whole holiday dedicated to hearts and sweets?  I'm in!

By the way, I watched Annie Hall the other night and adored it.  Adore is an understandment.  I watched it again the next night, if that tells you anything.  I hate to admit that it was my first Woody Allen film, but you have to start sometime and that time was two days ago.  Hah!  Now that I think of it, I have been watching an abnormal amount of movies lately.  I think I need a new sewing project to keep busy with, or something...

photo, outside the tower of london summer 2009

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