
I'm in the right place

Christmas always leaves me feeling content and full.  Full, not only in the cookies way (although I will certainly attest to this being true as well), but in the most important way--of life.  There is nothing I love more than watching the Christmas specials with my dad while he strums Christmas tunes on his guitar, there is nothing I love more than singing Christmas songs at church with my great grandma who is always either a chorus ahead or behind of the congregation and doesn't mind one bit, there is nothing I love more than seeing family I see every Sunday one more day than usual and seeing family I rarely get the chance to spend time with during the most wonderful time of the year, there is nothing I love more than visiting my dad at his fire station on Christmas day and reading the paper movie reviews while listening to him and his crew tease each other, there is nothing I love more than hearing and sharing stories with homemade cookies, fudge, and mac n' cheese nearby, there is nothing I love more than the drive home in the dark, with nothing to think about but dreams, and nodding sleep. 

There is nothing I love more than Christmas.

1 comment:

Keri said...

You just made me teary eyed.

There is nothing I love more than knowing that I am raising a happy daughter. Love you.