The infamous giant slice of pizza.
Me trying to eat it. I succeeded!
Me under the illusion of being tall.
The new group of editors. Aren't we precious?
Me and Sharky's Christmas card photo.
Waiting for public transportation!
Tabitha showing off her new found neatness (you should have seen her dorm room last year).
General meetings in good ol' Monty.
Yearbook camp = lots of picture-taking.
The essence of yearbook camp.
Woo hoo! Yearbook! Yeah!
Our school flag is always 2942938479328x more awesome than the others. This year's camp theme was Seeing Green...Hence us being green fruits and veggies. No biggie.
Being cute.
Yep, that's me, looking like Strawberry Shortcake (on accident, but I'll take it).
Also, GUESS WHAT. When we were walking to the hypnotist show, there was a concert going on on campus. There was an opening act playing at the time, but later Phoenix and MGMT were due to play! Yes! You better believe I ran as fast as I could to get to the open-air amphitheatre after the hypnotist show. WE GOT THERE JUST IN TIME FOR ELECTRIC FEEL! It was awesome. I feel so deprived of concerts. We would have stayed outside the gates longer, but a TA from camp kicked us out. Bummer. (But at least I got to scream and dance to one of my favorite songs.)
This yearbook is going to be snazzy. This school year is going to be snazzy. Life is good.