Fantastic Mr. Fox is not only one of my favorite movies, but it is also one of my favorite soundtracks. It reminds me of Thanksgiving, so naturally I have started listening to it repeatedly since November arrived.
It is no secret that I am a sucker for
anything associated with holidays. In fact, I go out of my way to associate things with holidays and seasons. Music in particular is the easiest to do this, which is one of the reasons why I love it so much. When it's Fall, I have my standards: Louis Armstrong (and any jazz), Frank Sinatra (although this is more of a gateway to Christmas music as it becomes closer to Christmastime), Sufjan's Age of Adz (I saw him last October when this album came out, so of course I associate it with Fall now), Simon & Garfunkel (especially my vinyl records at home, which I miss dearly), Vampire name a few. I also create playlists to listen to. In fact, I will share with you "Fall 2011 Part 1" here:
Do you have any seasonal favorites?