This year I need to remember to ask myself, What would Audrey do? I have a book that I got a couple of Christmases ago that is titled just that--
What Would Audrey Do? The passage that I always end up thinking of (about multitasking), goes like this :
Instead, Audrey focused on whatever she was doing at the time--having a fitting, writing a speech for UNICEF, goofing around with the dogs--and moved on to the next thing. This gave her focus and equanimity. Plus, she accomplished more.
"When she reads, she reads; when she fits, she fits; when she talks clothes, she talks clothes, when she sits under a drier, she simply dries," reported Cosmopolitan.
I often find myself multitasking--who doesn't?--and therefore I often find myself coming back to this brief bit of common sense. Do what you are doing, do it, then move on. Seems logical, right? Yet I rarely find myself absorbed in one thing at one time. Yet I know how good that feels, to just sit there and read; to just ride my bike without planning what I'm going to do next; to just get my French homework done at once and move on to the next thing.
The sad thing is, it took my computer to set me straight this time. It started acting very moody and I finally understood why when I realized I was trying to do way too many things at one time. I was simultaneously trying to begin writing an essay (with three Word documents up), check my email, catch up on a blog, and start up iTunes. Why the rush? The essay will be written. The emails will be returned. The blog isn't going anywhere. Silence could be good.
So, here is another resolution for this new year: No more multitasking!