
life is weird, maybe i should blog again

i haven't blogged in a very, very long time.

but here i am. not worrying about capitalization because my keyboard is acting a bit strange and my excessive-hand-washing-induced eczema makes it annoying to put much effort into typing.

but i'm here. i'm healthy. i excitedly got a flu shot for the first time in a few years.

the news has been a headache, one i seem to keep instigating with NYtimes refreshes. every expectation of 2020 has spun out and i'm just trying to keep tabs on the dizzying stories. i should probably stop reading.

just checked again. i feel like i'm in a codependent relationship with the news right now! I can't stop checking in on it. what do i expect--good news?

anyway, just wanted to get back this lil corner of the internet that i control, and no one actually reads? i don't know!