
some days I think too much about not thinking enough

So, I am transfering Word documents to my flash drive (killer essay going down here), when I find myself distracted by old documents.  So, I am reading them now.

And they make me a little sad.  Because, two-three-four years ago, I had a lot more time to think about things.  I questioned everything.  Every.  Single.  Thing.  And I genuinely cared about finding a conclusion.  I was really stuck on forming opinions on everything and stringing lines together in my head for poems.  Geez Louise, I'm making it sound like I was a really pretentious middle-schooler.  Maybe I was.  Maybe that's why I haven't written poetry for so long.  Maybe I can't take myself seriously anymore, because it embarresses me to see others take themselves so seriously. Could it just be that I am content with not having an answer for everything?  Perhaps. 

I blame it all on homework.

But hey, at least it's got me thinking.

Pretentious 7th-grade thoughts:

"You know when you're little and everything is just so simple? All you want is everyone to be nice and share their toys and not pull your hair right off your head like a wig. Now it seems like all you can really ask of anyone is for them to be happy. But what happens when they aren't happy? I don't know; I guess you can't ask anything of anyone but yourself."

 "I always regret not doing what I may regret."  I literally have this saved as a document...This kills me!

And what would middle school be without writing poetry during class?

"we search
to discover
empty thoughts
waiting to turn to more
hidden beneath
another time
in the bottom drawer
yet when we find
a simple scrap
it's only but
a memory
stripped of fact

more than before"

Well...enough about self-discovery.  I need some sleep.


Kate said...

i forgot how many poems you used to write! i wish i could come to conclusions too :(

moonshinejunkyard said...

it's true, you were quite the precocious seventh grader to be having thoughts like that...maybe now you're just more settled in because you know yourself and others better. not as much need for that kind of turmoil. and good for you for not taking yourself too seriously! galifinakis could have some lesson up his sleeve about that! have you ever seen him play "tairy greene" the kids' acting coach on "tim and eric awesome show great job"? it's pretty effing hilarious. not to get off subject or anything.