
lately my life has consisted of...

scoping out tea cups at the antique store. (This one was the winner.)

pretending I am glamorous.

using these heart pins and feeling special.

feeding Edmund, my fish.

resisting the urge to buy 2329473274 more vintage diaries for my collection (that stands at 3).
binge-shopping for dresses...Trouble...

mentally preparing for school's eminent arrival by revamping my backpack that was my mom's in the 90's. (Once again, a souvenir from my girl scouting days put to good use--hooray!)

+watching Bravo like a fiend...And Food Network...Stayed up till 2 watching Ace of Cakes last night...Oops.


Kait said...

That is one nice teacup!

Edmund<-great name!

I love that bookbag! A innate sense of what is cool must be genetic : )

Kaylie said...

I won Edmund at my friend's carnival-themed birthday party last year. He's a keeper. :)

A "cheery" disposition said...

Love ace of cakes! That teacup is probably the most beautiful teacup I have ever seen.

Unknown said...

your backpack is looking finer by the year.